Communities of higher density residences and services that are designed for walkablity and located near to a light rail transit station.
TOD Honolulu: neighborhood planning areas
(Excerpt) "It is easy to forget that at one time—over a half century ago— Oahu had street cars and trains... [before] the private automobile rose to prominence. The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation (HART) rail transit system is the newest phase of the ongoing evolution of our island-wide multimodal transportation system.
After more than three decades of planning, [light rail] rapid transit is finally nearing fruition. The rail system will not be isolated, but rather closely integrated with our buses and roadway system. The rail component will serve as the spine of an island-wide multimodal transportation network that... will change the way we get around.
Rail transit and the concept of a high-density rail corridor are also part of the City’s strategy to manage and direct growth... [by]... channeling development pressure to rail station areas. This goal is possible through transit-oriented development (TOD) -- compact, mixed-use development within easy walking distance of a transit station. TOD is designed to encourage walking, biking and [light rail] transit... Since this type of urban development uses land more effciently, it will enable these [TOD] communities to accommodate growth [and preserve agricultural or environmentally sensitive land] for many generations."
Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation
HART route map and travel times
Elevated Light Rail Project Progress
(Excerpt) "The Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation [HART] has completed five miles of guideway for Oahu’s rail transit system, which accounts for 25 percent of the project’s elevated guideway work for the 20-mile system.
'This is an important milestone,' said Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell. '...As commuters drive by and look at the guideway, they know that an alternative to sitting in traffic is on the way.'
The five miles of guideway includes more than 215 spans. Each span, which is the portion of guideway between two columns, typically consists of 12 segments. And each segment weighs about 50 tons."
Source: HART Press Release, 12.4.2015
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HART: Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation
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