Thursday, January 25, 2018

SoCal Commute: Fires and Floods Close Hwy 101

Automobile roadway buried under mountainside debris

Overburdened rail corridor temporarily expands passenger trains

(Excerpt) "During the prolonged closure of Highway 101, the Pacific Surfliner served as the only viable ground transportation option between Ventura and Santa Barbara counties...

Beginning on Sunday, January 14, we used the additional northern California equipment [eight additional railcars and three locomotives] to add an extra two to three cars and a second locomotive to each of our six-car Pacific Surfliner '700-series' trains operating north of Los Angeles, resulting in an extra 150-270 extra seats on each of the 10 daily trains serving Santa Barbara, or more than 2,000 additional seats per day. 

Pacific Surfliner trains will continue to operate between Ventura and Santa Barbara counties making all scheduled stops, including Oxnard, Ventura, Carpinteria, Santa Barbara and Goleta. Despite the additional seating capacity, however, demand for train transportation in the area remains high... Our hearts go out to all those affected by the mudslides, and I would like to thank our passengers for their patience and understanding during this difficult time as we continue to work with our community partners to support relief efforts and provide transportation to those impacted by this tragic situation."

Source: Jennifer L. Bergener,  714-560-5462,
Managing Director, LOSSAN Rail Corridor Agency
Service Update Santa Barbara County

On Topic:
Commuters flood train stations in wake of Hwy 101 closure
Amtrak Adds Additional Pacific Surfliner
Union Pacific Railroad "...a freight hauling railroad"


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