Thursday, July 16, 2020

Ground News v. malignancy in the coverage of news

The truth: is it political? 
'The truth' and 'the news coverage' are occasionally mutually exclusive. Few information seeking Americans are unaware of the political blindspots that exist in reporting the news. The cultivation of a source's blindspots to only emphasize the strengths or weaknesses in topics to present one-sided politics may be at best frustrating for news consumers and at worst a symptom of malignancy in the coverage of news -- perhaps criminal in extreme implementations. Few Americans would, however, prefer diminishing the constitutional right of free speech.

Ground News - Web Version (Excerpt) "Ground News processes over 30,000 news articles each day. Articles from different news outlets covering the same news event are merged into a single story so subscribers can get all the perspectives in one view. Each article is labeled one of seven bias ratings (Far Left, Left, Leans Left, Center, Leans Right, Right, Far Right) based on the average bias rating of the publishing news outlet. All news outlet bias ratings are originally sourced from three non-profit news monitoring agencies (AllSides, Media Bias Fact Check, Ad Fontes Media).

The Blindspot Report is generated by evaluating the mean and standard deviation of the aggregate bias ratings of the week's top 100 (most covered and most read) stories. News stories with the greatest mean score (many more Right outlets than Left or vice versa) or the highest standard deviation of bias ratings (more coverage on fringes than Center) are selected for the Report."

Source: Ground News Blind Spot Report, June 30-July 6, 2020


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