"Convalescent serum therapy is a treatment method that uses blood serum from a person who produces antibodies to a virus or bacteria, and then transfers that person's serum to someone who has the same virus or bacterial infection."
Community Serum Antibody Testing
The Cure-Hub team has extensive experience in bioscience, data analytics and software engineering. We are using our skills to provide you with an opportunity to participate in a nation wide community serum survey for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies.
Our Vision:
Cure-Hub LLC wants to help you get tested for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, then display de-identified open source data on cure-hub.com. This project will bring transparency and a better understanding of COVID-19 to American communities.
Our Testing:
If you participate, then we will test your blood serum for the presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2. This is a research based test but we will provide you with your results, so long as you understand that we are not making a clinical diagnosis, interpretation of the results may change in the future, and you agree not to use the results to modify your behavior.
COVID-19 Antibody Test - costs and procedures
(Excerpt) "Our citizen science research project provides adults in the USA with an opportunity to test their blood serum for COVID-19 antibodies...
You sign up, pass an online screening, sign an informed consent, pay $125 + shipping and handling for the test and answer a few survey questions. Then we ship a sample collection kit to your door..."
Monetary Incentive to Encourage Plasma Volunteers
(Below are excerpts from a partial rough transcript of an interview with Ian Hilgart-Martiszus)
IHM: "...I think those [that have tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies] people should be paid to donate their serum. A lot of them probably accrued pretty significant hospital bills, along the way, and this would be a way to offset those bills for them..."
Scott Adams: "...If you could offer [to plasma volunteers with COVID-19 antibodies] more money to, let's say, go in a second time, or a third or fourth time, as you're suggesting -- I would imagine a monetary incentive would probably have a gigantic [unintelligible words,] as well."
Source: "Coffee With Scott Adams" podcast, Episode 994, 5.24.2020
Post No. 310
COVID-19 Antibody Testing Results
"...[Cure-Hub] will display the crowd's de-identified results on Cure-Hub.com. This will help you track the level of COVID-19 antibodies in your community. Which is critical to understand the pandemic and help you and local governments make smart decisions."
Source: Cure-Hub LLC
Monetary Incentive to Encourage Plasma Volunteers
(Below are excerpts from a partial rough transcript of an interview with Ian Hilgart-Martiszus)
IHM: "...I think those [that have tested positive for COVID-19 antibodies] people should be paid to donate their serum. A lot of them probably accrued pretty significant hospital bills, along the way, and this would be a way to offset those bills for them..."
Scott Adams: "...If you could offer [to plasma volunteers with COVID-19 antibodies] more money to, let's say, go in a second time, or a third or fourth time, as you're suggesting -- I would imagine a monetary incentive would probably have a gigantic [unintelligible words,] as well."
Source: "Coffee With Scott Adams" podcast, Episode 994, 5.24.2020
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Post No. 310