Thursday, September 12, 2019

Palo Alto: namesake redwood tree

Iconic Redwood
Source: Wall mural near Stanford University,
located inside an "American chain grocery store."
Artist: unknown

El Palo Alto ("The tall tree")
(Excerpt) "... located in El Palo Alto Park on the banks of San Francisquito Creek in Palo Alto, California, United States, where the Caltrain tracks cross the creek.

California Historical Landmark
The tree is California Historical Landmark No. 2 ... It is recognized by the National Arborist Association and International Society of Arboriculture for its historical significance as "a campsite for the Portola Expedition Party of 1769"; being frequented by the Costanoan/Ohlone Indians; and for its use as a sighting tree by surveyors plotting out El Camino Real. The tree is depicted on the city of Palo Alto's official seal and on the seal of Stanford University. It is the origin of the city's name [Palo Alto.]
Source: Wikipedia


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