Construct High-Speed Rail (HSR) passenger service to connect California's Silicon Valley and Great Central Valley by 2025.

MEDIA CREDIT: High-Speed Rail Project Sections
California High-Speed Rail Authority: Draft 2016 Business Plan
(Excerpt) "This Draft 2016 Business Plan provides an update on the progress made, the changes that have occurred and the lessons we have learned over the past two years... [the California High-Speed Rail Authority describes their 2016 plan] to deliver high-speed rail service connecting the Silicon Valley to the Central Valley, and offer high-speed rail passenger service between these two important economic regions within the next ten years."
(Excerpt) "While the core of the construction has always been focused on construction in the Central Valley first, the Initial Operating Section [IOS] has always had two options: extend from the Central Valley northward toward the Bay Area (IOS-North, San Jose to Bakersfield), or southward to Southern California (IOS-South, Merced to San Fernando Valley)
IOS-North Extention: Silicon Valley to Central Valley
... based on a more recent analysis of the funding available and time necessary to bring an IOS online per the legal requirements, the... [California High-Speed Rail Authority] is now proposing the IOS-North be implemented... This is being called the Silicon Valley to Central Valley Line, and it is expected that sufficient funding will be available to bring this online by 2025...
Construction on the... [Initial Operating Section near Fresno in the Great Central Valley] began in 2015 and is expected to end in 2019, after which it is proposed that the... [San Joaquin - Amtrak California] train use the line for faster conventional rail service... until HSR [High-Speed Rail] trains use the line."
Source: Wikipedia
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San Francisco Transbay Transit Center
California High-Speed Rail
San Jose Diridon Station
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San Francisco Transbay Transit Center
California High-Speed Rail
San Jose Diridon Station
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