Thursday, August 9, 2012

Urban Core and Suburban Areas: Multi-Cultural

Some American cities, like San Francisco, are growing in population. However, in the urban core of San Francisco growth is not equal in all racial segments of the previous multi-cultural mix. And apparently, the surrounding towns and suburbs in the San Francisco metropolitan area are becoming in some ways less racially monolithic.

End of White Flight from Urban Core to Suburbs
(Excerpt) “Decades of white flight transformed America's cities. That era is drawing to a close.

‘The city is experiencing growth, yet we're losing African-American families disproportionately,’ [San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom] says …

… in San Francisco, African-American deaths now outnumber births. Once a ‘natural decrease’ such as this begins, it's tough for the population to bounce back, since there are fewer residents left to produce the next generation …

… [Also] In recent years, minority middle-class families, particularly African-Americans, have been moving to the suburbs in greater numbers. At the same time, Hispanic immigrants … are now increasingly bypassing cities for suburbs...

Cities have spent … [time and resources] tidying up parks and converting decaying factories into retail and living space. That has attracted young professionals and empty-nesters [into the urban core of cities] …”

Source: “The End of White Flight”, WSJ, July 2008
The influence and impact of age 20-something ‘Hipsters’ in the urban core population of cities like San Francisco may or may not be considerable. More on ‘Hipsters’ later, maybe.

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