Thursday, August 16, 2012

Suburban Office Parks

Single-Use to Mixed-Use Opportunity: Plan and Transform
(Excerpt) “… as we moved into the suburbs in the post WWII era, we placed our offices into [single-use] ‘office parks’ in our campaign to separate the activities of our daily lives and reconnect them through compulsory car trips.

Fortunately, there’s a lot of documentation on why employers [now] want (or should want) to locate in walkable mixed-use centers … For the sake of this post, the revelation is this: The new workforce no longer wants to be located in single-use office ‘parks’… they want to be located in dynamic mixed-use urban settings where they can mix and mingle, have multiple destinations to eat lunch or have dinner, live nearby, and have the *choice* to access everything through a pleasant walk and maybe a convenient transit trip.”

Source: “Better! Cities & Towns Online" blog post by Geoff Dyer, August 2012

correction update
LIFT (Link I Found Today)
USA Network: Suits  legal drama
"Litt, Nothing, & Nobody" ... new company name suggested by Jessica Pearson, managing Partner, for underling Louis Litt to create on his own -- if he did not exactly follow her current instructions, in a season 01 episode. Okay, good corporate name.

GIVE ME A MOMENT a lifestyle
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