Hearst Corporation Building -- with Historic Base Building
Completed in 2006, this is the first skyscraper to be constructed in Manhattan after September 11, 2001. The tower was built over the Historic Hearst Corporation Building. In this special case, two major elements -- the Skyscraper Base Building and the skyscraper tower -- were constructed and completed separately. A significant period of time came between completing the lower phase and starting the higher phase. This unintentionally phased skyscraper may provide useful lessons in how to manage the NIMBY Syndrome initially associated with the development of some taller buildings.
In some situations, it may be possible for a planned tall structure to be permitted in several phases with the lower levels built and put in use several years before visible construction begins on the higher floors. This intentional exposure, interaction, and eventual familiarity with a building at the street level may help mitigate the 'Fear of Change' that may be initially triggered if a tall building is planned to impact the city entirely at once.
Currently some governmental bodies empowered with permitting authority over development of the built environment use various and some similar techniques to mitigate a real or imagined 'Fear of Change' that may be encountered within the jurisdiction's constituency.