Monday, March 16, 2020

COVID-19: 15 Days to Slow the Spread in America

With many tragic consequences, the COVID-19 flu virus is significantly spreading world-wide from Wuhan, People's Republic of China.

There is little doubt that the American reaction to this unexpected disruptive life-threatening pandemic should and will bring substantive changes in American culture. While firmly maintaining our constitutional republic, unfamiliar and long term changes in America's private sector, governance, and lifestyle may be required to ultimately move beyond this flu pandemic and avoid future medical catastrophes within our borders.

Existential Threat
3.16.2020 - In response to this spreading threat, President Trump and his current administration has issued the following 15 day (for now) guidelines with the goal of slowing COVID-19 in America:

Text only version:
The President's Coronavirus Guidelines for America: 15 Days to Slow the Spread

Memorialization: Writing here since 2007, this is the 300th blog post at "GIVE ME A MOMENT: a lifestyle" by QwkDrw. The writing is the muse.


GIVE ME A MOMENT a lifestyle
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Post No. 300