Monday, March 23, 2020

America: a constitutional republic, or what?

MEDIA CREDIT: Michael Morris, Commentary Editor,

Levin: ‘We Don’t Have a Free Market’ or ‘Constitutional Republic Anymore’
(Excerpt) "Nationally syndicated radio talk show host Mark Levin, on his show Tuesday lauded the comments of a caller and explained to his audience that the U.S. doesn’t 'have a free market' or a 'constitutional republic' anymore..."

Mark Levin, December, 2016: “We, we live in myths. We operate under myths.

“So the nationalist-populists and the statist progressives are always attacking the free market.

“You’ll hear these clowns on radio attacking the free market.

“You’ll see these buffoons on TV attacking the free market.

“We don’t have a free market. We don’t have a free market. We’re regulated to death. We’re taxed to death. We’ve got over 12,000 tariffs. Where’s the free market?

“‘No, but we want a fair system.’ Well, how are we going to get a fair system, the government intervene? The government has intervened.

“It’s a myth that we have a free market, that we live in a free market. That’s what some of us keep saying. We need to have a more free market – not the opposite. Not more tariffs, not more interference. I don’t care if his name is Obama or Trump.

“If you’re unhappy, you should be unhappy with the fact that we don’t have a free market.

“Now, we’ll never have a perfectly free market, but we ought to have a more free market, which we do not have today.

“Let me test it. Why don’t you try, try, importing something into this country or exporting something out of this country, and then tell me we have a free market.

“We don’t have a free market.

“Now, it goes further than that. The gentleman was right on, but let me expand it further: we don’t have a constitutional republic anymore. That’s another myth. We simply do not.

“We go through the motions of state sovereignty.

“Anytime the U.S. Supreme Court, any time a department or agency of the federal government decides to intervene the states have virtually no power whatsoever.

“That’s not a representative constitutional republic. That’s not a federal republic.

“I’ll give you more.

“So much of the Constitution is used as a shield to advance the Left’s agenda.

“Look at so many of the decisions that are burped out of the Supreme Court of the United States and other federal courts.

“The Constitution is used as a fig leaf, not as a guide – a fig leaf, not as a guide. And if the decision comes down, ‘Well, you know, under our Constitution the court gets …’ Under our Constitution, what? They just rewrote it.

“These are big points, and I want to thank that gentleman in the military for triggering my mind on this because it’s very, very important to understand that we do not have a free market system, that we do not have free trade.

“And these people railing against it, railing against it, railing against it, the fact of the matter is, they want more centralized government. They want more control over the economic system. I don’t care who they are. I don’t care what flag they carry, Republican or Democrat.

“And our constitutional system, so much of it, so much of it isn’t followed. We pretend we follow it, but we don’t.”

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