Again yearlong, the morning daylight of Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) could dawn over California at a reasonable hour in the morning -- not leaving one with the inconvenient and cold morning darkness caused by the deceptively named 1949 voter initiative: Daylight Saving Time.
Pacific Daylight Time in California -- no time shift
A proposed California law would eliminate twice-a-year time shifting. This would be accompolished by establishing the time in California as: always PDT, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) minus seven hours, or UTC-7.
(Excerpt) "That reality became more plausible Thursday with the vote by the [California State legislature’s] appropriations panel, which functions as a legislative gatekeeper capable of halting controversial bills. To land on the 2018 ballot, the bill [authored by Assemblyman Kansen Chu, D-San Jose] will still need to clear both houses and win the support of Gov. Jerry Brown." Note: At least until the 2018 election, twice-a-year time shifting is currently required.
Source: The Sacramento Bee, 8.11.2016
DST requires another time shift in late 2016
Regardless of any pending proposals, on Sunday November 6, 2016 we will again disruptively turn back all clocks and devices; thereby forcing the darkness of night to again extinguish the dawning sun's lighting and warmth until a later morning hour. Why do this intentionally, habitually, or even absent mindedly? A voter initiative in 2018 could make this not happen at all.
Environmental and social costs of the controversial DST twice-a-year time shift
(Excerpt) "...contrary to the policy's intent -- DST increases residential electricity demand. Estimates of the overall increase are approximately 1 percent, but we find that the effect is not constant throughout the DST period. DST causes the greatest increase in electricity consumption in the fall, when estimates range between 2 and 4 percent. These findings are consistent with simulation results that point to a tradeoff between reducing demand for lighting and increasing demand for heating and cooling. We estimate a cost of increased electricity bills to Indiana households of $9 million per year. We also estimate social costs of increased pollution emissions that range from $1.7 to $5.5 million per year. Finally, we argue that the effect is likely to be even stronger in other regions of the United States."
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Proper Timezone Acronym Usage - PT vs PDT or PST
A proposed California law would eliminate twice-a-year time shifting. This would be accompolished by establishing the time in California as: always PDT, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) minus seven hours, or UTC-7.
(Excerpt) "That reality became more plausible Thursday with the vote by the [California State legislature’s] appropriations panel, which functions as a legislative gatekeeper capable of halting controversial bills. To land on the 2018 ballot, the bill [authored by Assemblyman Kansen Chu, D-San Jose] will still need to clear both houses and win the support of Gov. Jerry Brown." Note: At least until the 2018 election, twice-a-year time shifting is currently required.
Source: The Sacramento Bee, 8.11.2016
Alternative: 'Always DST' in California -- no time shift
"Neither Hawaii nor Arizona observe Daylight Saving Time. An alternate option of switching to Daylight Saving Time... yearlong could not happen in California without federal approval. A resolution calling on Congress and the president to authorize such a move has been advancing through the Legislature." Note: It's unclear if the 'Always DST' proponets are seeking support only in California.
Source: The Sacramento Bee, 8.11.2016
DST requires another time shift in late 2016
Regardless of any pending proposals, on Sunday November 6, 2016 we will again disruptively turn back all clocks and devices; thereby forcing the darkness of night to again extinguish the dawning sun's lighting and warmth until a later morning hour. Why do this intentionally, habitually, or even absent mindedly? A voter initiative in 2018 could make this not happen at all.
Environmental and social costs of the controversial DST twice-a-year time shift
(Excerpt) "...contrary to the policy's intent -- DST increases residential electricity demand. Estimates of the overall increase are approximately 1 percent, but we find that the effect is not constant throughout the DST period. DST causes the greatest increase in electricity consumption in the fall, when estimates range between 2 and 4 percent. These findings are consistent with simulation results that point to a tradeoff between reducing demand for lighting and increasing demand for heating and cooling. We estimate a cost of increased electricity bills to Indiana households of $9 million per year. We also estimate social costs of increased pollution emissions that range from $1.7 to $5.5 million per year. Finally, we argue that the effect is likely to be even stronger in other regions of the United States."
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