Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Day 2011

"Do not think negatively about what you don't have or what once was. Be grateful and thankful for what you still have."
Source: Quote paraphrased from a business acquaintance.

Quote this ...
“If the 49ers’ success offends you, so be it.”
-- Jim Harbaugh, SF 49ers Football Head Coach, October 2011

Update: A Thanksgiving Blessing, prayer on Saturday 11.26.2011

"Today, Father GOD, LORD Jesus we gratefully thank YOU.

[We] are thankful for the honor of hosting this Thanksgiving,
regardless of the day.
Bless this meal and the food as we eat it --
even in slightly crowded seating.

We pray for YOUR grace and blessings in the life of each person LORD.
Jesus in YOUR name we pray. Amen.

Thank you all for being here." -- QwkDrw ’11

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