Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Cal Poly Ranks High in Nation for Study Abroad Students

"[CPSU; Calfornia Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo, California.] ... Cal Poly ranks first in the nation for the number of students it sends to study abroad for mid-length terms and second in the nation for total study abroad enrollment among peer universities ... ".

"... Cal Poly sent 408 students to study abroad for one semester, one quarter, or two quarters and ... a total of 800 students to study abroad during 2006-07 ... ranked in the category of 'universities that offer master's degrees (non-doctoral universities)'."

"... study abroad is narrowly defined as only those students who received academic credit from a U.S. accredited institution of higher education after they returned from their study abroad experience. Students who travel and take courses without credit transfers are not reported ... nor are students who are enrolled overseas for degrees from non-U.S. institutions."
Our youngest is enriching his CPSU engineering education by studying abroad for his junior year in Australia.

Source: Click on the post's title above (it's a link)
